True Immigrant Stories

About True Immigrant Stories in Emigranten 2015-1 Växjö, Sweden, by Ulf Beijbom
Sedan 1981 har nämligen den flitiga dalsländskan i East Moline, Illinois, utvecklat ett omfattande engelspråkigt författarskap kring svenskarna i America....
Utan tvivel fråmstår Lilly Setterdahl som en av de stora skildrarna av svenskt arbete och liv i Amerika....
True Imigrant Stories: The Swedes of Cleveland Ohio 1873-2013 är titeln på Lillys senaste bok...
Den svenska invandringen till Cleveland började i större skala först på 1880-talet, då stålindustrin lockade alltfler...
1970 beräknades över 6 000 skandinaver bo i Cleveland. Hallänningar och värmlänningar var särskilt vanliga, men de förhållandevis höga lönerna vid stålverken lockade också svenskar från städer i USA. De röster Lennart Setterdahl fångade upp på sin bandspelare vittnar om ett mycket riskfyllt arbete. Man arbetade med livet som insats och olyckorna var många. Hettan på verkstadsgolvet var så intensiv att man inte härdade ut mer än en halvtimme i taget. Följaktligen blev det stor omsättning på arbetare och strejker utbröt ofta. Åter domumentar Lilly en tämligen okänd del av vår utvandrarhistoria och hon gör det med hjälp av ett levande källmaterial, där den enskilde individen kommer till tals. Till detta kommer den erfarna historikerns iaktagelser och konklusioner.
Ulf Beijbom

In this book, Lilly Setterdahl describes how the Swedish settlement began in the late 19th century and continued well into the late 20th century. Skilled iron workers formed the nucleus of the enclave and encouraged friends and relatives to join them. They came directly from Sweden—from Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, or Canada. They founded churches, organizations, and businesses. Some educated themselves to become doctors, dentists, engineers, and professor. The oral histories in this book highlight the immigrants’ background in Sweden, voyage to
America, first jobs, struggles, and achievements.
Published by Nobel Monitor Lodge No.. 130, Cleveland, Ohio, June 14, 2014. To order this book, contact

5-star review on amazon posted Nov. 26, 2014 by LI: "This is one of many books I have read by Lilly Setterdahl and it does not disappoint. She writes about the Swedes in Cleveland, how they affected businesses, hwy they came to America and Cleveland, the many professionals, her move and life there, plus many, many interviews and so much more. It's written so you may start and stop at any point, but it's hard to put down." 

Excerpt from review in Swedish American Historical Quarterly, Oct. 2014 by Kevin Proescholdt, associate and book reviewer
"Of particular interest is the effort to document native Swedes who settled in Cleveland and worked in the steel mills or associated steel-related industries. ... Some of the Cleveland Swedes had earlier worked in the same industry in the Bergslagen region in Sweden or in steel mills in Värmland in places like Degerfors, Munkfors, or Domnarvet."
"The strength of this book lies in the biographical information included on the Cleveland Swedes... All in all, the book's index of personal names shows entries for over 1,200 Cleveland Swedes and Swedish Americans.The author has supplemented biographical information derived from the interviews with additional details from United States census records, Swedish researchers, and other sources. This information will be particularly useful for those conducting family genealogical research into the lives of Cleveland Swedes..."

Excerpt from review by Janet Frye in Swedish American Geneaologist 2014-4:
 "For most people mentioned in the book the information given includes the immigrants' background in Sweden, their voyage to America, first jobs, struggles, and achievements."

"If you have family mentioned in this book you are very lucky because you will probably learn valuable information about them."

Pictures from Cleveland

1 comment:

  1. Read about the Swedish steel workers in Cleveland and how they risked their lives every day.


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