Minnesota Swedes Volume I


Minnesota Swedes Vol. I  is a revised edition of my out-of-print and much sought after Minnesota Swedes: The Emigration from Trolle Ljungby to Goodhue County 1855-1912, published in 1996.
Volume  II published in 1999 is still available with the subtitle Trolle Ljungby Families in Goodhue County.
Volume I presents a comprehensive study of a little known immigrant group that came from a large castle farm in Sweden, where the people either worked for the noble master or rented a farm from him. When they heard of the 'free land' in Minnesota, they left Sweden in 1855 and settled in Goodhue County. The book covers the settlers' background, their commitment to their farms, and compares it with one other Swedish settlement in Minnesota. Eleven immigrant letters to Sweden describe their journey and settling years. The 40 oral histories reflect on the pioneers' lives as well as the lives of the children and grandchildren. 312 pages, $14.95

Note that this book is also available for Kindle without the pictures, price $3.95 for a limited time.

Lilly Setterdahl’s study of the chain migration from the Swedish parish of Trolle Ljungby to Minnesota’s Goodhue County is a valuable con­tribution towards satisfying the need to assemble good and complete studies of trans-Atlantic migration experiences that lend themselves to comparison. Indeed she has even taken up the challenge of comparing her findings with those of other similarly organized studies of Scan­dinavian trans-Atlantic migrations and offers us a number of useful observations. But her work is valuable in another very important way. This has to do with the richness of material. Through interviews with descendants, analyses of letters, public documents, census materials and parish registers, and a remarkable personal familiarity with the respective histories and landscapes of Trolle Ljungby and Goodhue County, she is also able to weave a resplendent tapestry of detail about the lives of those who left their homes in Sweden to take up the challenge of building a new home in Minnesota. This, as much as anything else, makes this a book of great interest to anyone interested in the Great Atlantic migration. (Robert C. Ostergren, Department of Geography, University of Wisconsin-Madison)

"The book is scholarly with its footnotes and graphs and tables, but it's also crammed with human interest in the collection of letters and  warm interviews with the descendants. (Julie Jensen, The Dispatch, Moline and the Rock Island Argus, Jan. 26, 1997)

"We have always wondered what happened to all those people who took out emigration certificates from our parish and where they went. Now, we know." (Clerk at the Trolle Ljungby parish office)
"We have always wondered why they came. Now we know." (Descendant in the settling area)

5-star review on amazon, May 1, 2015 by A. O.

This revised edition is wonderful in its detail and information about the immigration from Trolle Ljungby, Sweden to the area around Red Wing, Minnesota. My family was a part of these people and I am grateful for such a well researched and complete account of these Swedish people. The first hand accounts from many of the Swedish family members is priceless! Thank you Lilly Setterdahl.
The first link is for the Kindle book and the second for the printed book. 

http://www.amazon.com/Minnesota-Swedes-Vol-I Emigration-Ljungby/

See more pictures on a video posted on:

Then search for Lilly Setterdahl
Also on facebook and twitter. 


  1. From Emigranten No. 2, 2015, Växjö, Sweden:
    "Fenomenet Lilly Setterdahl
    "Lilly Setterdahlt fortsätter skriva faktaböcker på det svenskamerikanska temat. I förra numret av Emigranten anmälde jag boken om svenskarna i Cleveland, det då senaste opuset från Svensk-Amerikas flitigaste författarinna. Nu får jag anledning att uppmärksamma läsarna på ännu ett imponerade verk, nämligen omarbetningen av LIllys 1997 utgivna Minnesota Swedes....
    Ulf Beijbom

  2. The above photos show just a few of the photographed interviewees that are featured in my Minnesota Swedes Vol. I.


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